
In the last decade, multiple US-based and international organizations have emerged with the goal of researching the responsible and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence. This is also done with the aim of informing decision-makers and other stakeholders on opportunities and threats presented by AI.

Below you can find several resources of great aid when it comes to getting updated on AI In The News.


ScieneDaily-Compiles numerous press materials and studies based on empirical evidence from leading institutions and organizations all over the world.

ScienceNews-Founded as an independent nonprofit in 1921, it is focused on bettering science journalism through providing nonbiased and ethical reporting and analysis, including on AI.

Wired-First issued in print in 1993, is an American magazine in print and online that analyzes how technology is impacting politics, the economy, and culture at large.

AI News-Part of TechForge Media which provides news, analysis, and opinion articles on Artificial Intelligence ranging from its implications in business to finance.

IEEE- The world's largest technical professional organization interested in promoting technologies for the whole world. In its AI category, you can learn more about the latest developments and respective analyses on the subject, from legislation on AI to its medical use.

Venture Beat-Founded in 2006, it is a reputable source worldwide for tech reporting. Their content mostly targets business leaders through in-depth analyses on tech news.

TechXplore-An online news source part of the Science X network, reporting on technology and electronics.

NY Times -The American daily newspaper founded in 1851 now provides analysis and opinion-based coverage on issues surrounding AI.

Research institutions

The Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative was founded in 2017 by the MIT Media Lab and The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. Through research projects and diverse programs, the project aims to address the big questions surrounding AI ethics.

Global scholars at the Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Institute at Stanford University also engage in multidisciplinary research. The goal is to create research and policy-development on AI with a lens in which humans are at the center point and considered ultimate beneficiaries. 

The Future of Humanity research institute at the University of Oxford now carries featured research on AI. 

MIT University provides news articles on AI mostly elaborated by its students and faculty, and another in the media category featuring articles from all over the world on AI.

The Alan Turing Institute was created in 2015 by the UK government and is run by multiple top universities. Its AI focus aims to advance research and AI’s implications for society.

The Ada Lovelace Institute is an independent research institute focusing on how AI can be distributed equitably while also enhancing personal and common well-being.

The Montreal AI Ethics Institute is an international non-profit organization that aims to create applicable policy research on the ethical development of AI. It creates reports, briefs, and other events in that pursuit.

AlgorithmWatch is a non-profit research and advocacy organization that creates reports, analyses, working papers, and principles, on the impact and ethics of AI’s decision-making.

The Center for AI and Digital Policy is a nonprofit organization and research institute aiming to ensure that AI and policy-making improve the quality of society, institutions, rights, and rule of law. The center does this by creating policy events, conferences, commentaries, publications, and others.

The Data & Society is an independent nonprofit research organization aiming to use empirical evidence to inform technology governance. Their research covers topics from AI autonomation to online disinformation.

The Center for Human Technology is a nonprofit organization militating to understand the root causes of harmful tech. This is done in order to influence policy-making in which technology can be made more human and tackle global problems. The organization does this online content such as podcasts, documentaries, classes, publications, etc.

OpenAI is a research and deployment company aiming to build beneficial and safe artificial general intelligence systems.